Skillful Use of Photography & Typography

[Insert the original non-edited version of the magazine layout you found for this assignment. Insert introduction text giving context to your post and includes all the requirements outlined in the instructions. This will help those not associated with the course to engage and understand the purpose of your post.]

Bacon ipsum dolor amet sirloin beef ribs hamburger ball tip, venison chicken jowl picanha biltong drumstick prosciutto corned beef pastrami pork belly alcatra. Tongue pig ribeye beef frankfurter jerky shoulder short ribs.

Category Identification

[Insert a draw over and write a paragraph identifying the category of the typefaces used, and explain how they are identified.]

Andouille ball tip pancetta, chuck tongue pig tri-tip bacon fatback cupim. Tail ground round pork belly, tongue pork loin ham boudin chuck doner. Beef meatloaf doner pancetta. Pork belly spare ribs pork loin, fatback landjaeger swine salami shank flank tongue.

Typeface Contrast

[Insert a draw over and write a paragraph explaining how the two typefaces contrast.]

Jerky ham Jerky ham leberkas bresaola rump pork chop meatball pancetta capicola shoulder prosciutto. Brisket ribeye fatback turducken bacon sirloin burgdoggen boudin meatloaf pastrami. Boudin hamburger ham hock leberkas, pancetta ham ribeye jerky beef ribs landjaeger porchetta corned beef doner shoulder pork.


[Insert a draw over and write a paragraph explaining how the photographer utilized the Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, and/or Depth of Field.]

Andouille ball tip pancetta, chuck tongue pig tri-tip bacon fatback cupim. Tail ground round pork belly, tongue pork loin ham boudin chuck doner. Beef meatloaf doner pancetta. Pork belly spare ribs pork loin, fatback landjaeger swine salami shank flank tongue.

Alternate Images for Layout

[Insert three images that you took that meet the instructions for this assignment. Write a paragraph explaining how you mimicked the original photograph, and why your photos would still work if placed in the magazine layout.]


[Write a brief description of how the above principles contribute to the overall design.]

Ball tip kevin picanha venison jowl tri-tip. Bresaola pork chop spare ribs andouille, strip steak short loin alcatra brisket t-bone. Swine pig alcatra bacon pastrami. Kielbasa turkey ground round ham fatback ham hock alcatra shankle. Spare ribs swine hamburger frankfurter kevin ribeye picanha boudin shank ground round capicola. Jowl doner tail leberkas, venison porchetta spare ribs shoulder frankfurter andouille tongue strip steak pig rump kielbasa. Salami pork loin drumstick ribeye, pork landjaeger bresaola burgdoggen cow t-bone.

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