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Typography Fit for a King

Image from the Royal Academy of Arts

The above image was found on “The Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition is an irreverent blaze of colour” article written by Alexander Hawkins. The image was provided for this article by the Royal Academy of Arts.

[Introduction text giving context to your post. This will help those not associated with the course to engage and understand the purpose of your post.]

Bacon ipsum dolor amet sirloin beef ribs hamburger ball tip, venison chicken jowl picanha biltong drumstick prosciutto corned beef pastrami pork belly alcatra. Tongue pig ribeye beef frankfurter jerky shoulder short ribs.

Typeface #1

[Identify the category of the first typeface used, and explain how it is identified.]

Andouille ball tip pancetta, chuck tongue pig tri-tip bacon fatback cupim. Tail ground round pork belly, tongue pork loin ham boudin chuck doner. Beef meatloaf doner pancetta. Pork belly spare ribs pork loin, fatback landjaeger swine salami shank flank tongue.

Typeface #2

[Identify the category of the second typeface used, and explain how it is identified.]

Jerky ham leberkas bresaola rump pork chop meatball pancetta capicola shoulder prosciutto. Brisket ribeye fatback turducken bacon sirloin burgdoggen boudin meatloaf pastrami. Boudin hamburger ham hock leberkas, pancetta ham ribeye jerky beef ribs landjaeger porchetta corned beef doner shoulder pork.


[Explain what elements make the two typefaces contrasting.]

Andouille ball tip pancetta, chuck tongue pig tri-tip bacon fatback cupim. Tail ground round pork belly, tongue pork loin ham boudin chuck doner. Beef meatloaf doner pancetta. Pork belly spare ribs pork loin, fatback landjaeger swine salami shank flank tongue.


[Write a brief description of how the above principles contribute to the overall design.]

Ball tip kevin picanha venison jowl tri-tip. Bresaola pork chop spare ribs andouille, strip steak short loin alcatra brisket t-bone. Swine pig alcatra bacon pastrami. Kielbasa turkey ground round ham fatback ham hock alcatra shankle. Spare ribs swine hamburger frankfurter kevin ribeye picanha boudin shank ground round capicola. Jowl doner tail leberkas, venison porchetta spare ribs shoulder frankfurter andouille tongue strip steak pig rump kielbasa. Salami pork loin drumstick ribeye, pork landjaeger bresaola burgdoggen cow t-bone.


Web Page Layout


Shape Map

Shape Map


Process: I started out with sketches (obviously) and started with a simple design that I wanted. I then had to find a company that I wanted to make a website for. To do this I chose a color scheme (blue and orange) and searched different companies to see if they had images that had those colors. I found Yellowstone, and they had perfect images for what I wanted! I then created my shape map, and added in my content! My audience was anyone who wants to travel to Yellowstone, and the message is everything Yellowstone! There is a lot of messages and content in this web page that point towards them making a trip plan, where they can go through the website and make a plan of where they want to go. I made a few changes from my draft, but I am proud of the overall product!

Critique: I critiqued Josh Smith and Sarah Allen’s projects. I  also met with Jane Doe and John Smith for my critique via Join Me, and they were really helpful! They helped me align things better and pick better colors. The main blue picture was a little too purple, so they suggested that I go and change that in Photoshop. So I opened the image and used selective color to adjust the image coloring a little but. Then it matched my layout a lot better. My instructor also suggested that I break up my paragraphs that are showing so it looks like there is a little less to read. It was also needing a little more blue so they helped me add in the blue bars at the top and the bottom of the page. I followed most of the advice given, but there were some that I still felt I could leave there.

Color Scheme: Complimentary (blue and orange)

Fonts: Avenir-Sans Serif (normal, and bold)

Links to Images:

Sample work by Megan Kelly. To see more of her work, go here.

CRAP Eric Lybbert User Guide EDTECH 511 by ericlybbert