Category Archives: Blog

Project 3: Imaging

8.5×11 project:

A personally taken photograph that has been edited/formatted using Photoshop.

I took this picture using my little Canon PowerShot camera. Even though it was a point and shoot camera I was able to take this nice shot. I then took my image into Photoshop and cropped it to a 6×6 inch square. I then selected the background using the quick selection tools, and applied the gaussian blur filter. I finally desaturated the the background color.

Top 3 things learned:

  1. I learned how to blur the background of an image
  2. I learned how to colorize an image in Photoshop
  3. I leaned how to size and crop and image in Photoshop

Programs/Tools Used:

  • Canon PowerShot Camera
  • Adobe Photoshop

6×6 cropped/edited image:


Original unedited/uncropped image:


Comm 300: Week 2 – Image Blending

Sample Blog Post from Matt Spencer – Week 2 in Comm 300 Digital Imaging

I started with the image of the Tetons as my base layer, then I added the image of Josh holding a snowboard on top with the blending mode set to “Luminousity.” Then I copyied the Tetons layer and placed it on top with the blending mode set to “Overlay.” I added “THE TETONS” font set to Rockwell Extra Bold, set its blending mode to “Overlay” as well and also used a layer mask to brush out the mountain and snowboarder. The last quote, “the only limit is the one you set” was set to Century Gothic font. Ironically was actually the most recent facebook status of the actual snowboarder (Josh M.) standing in this shot, I thought it worked great and I’m sure he would be excited to see he helped with this image in more then one way. Thanks again, Josh.

Matt Spencer: Blending two images with Layer Blending Modes.

Matt Spencer: Blending two images with Layer Blending Modes.


Tetons Original – 1/3/13, 12:37 PM, Grand Targhee Resort, WY; f/5; 1/1250 sec; Canon PowerShot SX130 IS


Josh Original – 1/19/13, 6:47 PM, Rexburg, ID; f/4; 0.4 sec; Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi

This shot is of a bulldozer with an overlay of the green channel of the Snow 1 image. Blending mode set to Vivid Light. And two overlays of the green channel of the Snow 2 image. Blending mode set to Color dodge.


Bull Dozer Original – 1/19/13, 6:20 PM, Rexburg, ID; f/3.5; 1/6 sec; Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi


Snow 1 Original – 1/16/13, 7:20 PM, Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1.0 sec; Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS

Special Effects – Assignment #3

Sample Blog Post from Daniel Ard – Assignment #3 in Comm 497r After Effects:

The student will either select pre-existing footage or create their own and incorporate some form of special effects. Examples might include compositing themselves onto the surface of the moon, a light saber fight, laser guns, an explosion, flying through the air, etc.

Additional project criteria:

• Place a 5 second title card at the beginning of your animation, stating your name, project (Special Effects) and course number (COMM 497).
• Export the animation out of Adobe After Effects as H.264 video.
• Upload the final video to either Youtube or Vimeo
• Submit a link to the video via the I-Learn project submission.

Special Effects – Assignment #3 from Daniel Ard on Vimeo.

Product Redesign

Sample Blog Post from Sara Tranberg – Project 2 in Comm 462 Advanced Visual Media:


Project Description

For this school project, I chose to redesign The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Café’s cupcake takeout boxes. Their current box is just white with a sticker of their logo on the top.

Having a design on their takeout boxes will help make them seem more professional–a legitimate company needs well designed products. At the moment, they are wasting space on something that could be a great advertising tool. With a well designed take out box, people would take them more seriously, and they would be more likely to grow bigger, & make more money.


I designed two boxes, one with pink and brown, which matches the primary target audience [females ages 16+], and one with blue and brown, which will appeal to the secondary target audience [men of all ages who love baked goods].

I used Illustrator to create the box. Then I printed it on heavyweight paper. I used an exacto knife to cut it out. I scored and folded the edges, and wala, a new beautiful box was born! I also used InDesign to make the project booklet.

Project 2: Event Ad

John Doe Microsoft Word Event Ad


A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.


I scanned the bike image, and then used a Word image effect to delete most of the background. This left  a random white pattern, so I added a shadow to give it an artsy effect. Then I added boxes with various shades of green in the background for repetition and organization. I chose one font with contrasting weights for simplicity. I was surprised at how much I could do with the hidden design features of Microsoft Word. Now I know that I could use it in a pinch.  Programs I used: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter).

I am running a fun raiser to raise money to renovate the Senior Center.  I wanted my audience to see this flyer and think the event would be fun and worth checking out.

Anyone in or around the community, looking to support the community.

Top thing learned:
I learned how to scan properly

Color scheme and color names:

Title Font Name & Category: Jackson Thin – Sans Serif

Copy Font Name & Category: Jackson Narrow Bold – Sans Serif

Scanned images used,  sources, original sizes:

This image was scanned from the October 2012 Bike & Hike magazine. The image was originally only 4″ x 5″. So I scanned it at 250 resolution to make it so I could print a little bigger. Image final scan size was 1200″ x 1578″




Project 1: Flier

Rachel Fishcher InDesign Flier

Black & White promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.

I first created some sketches of my layout. Then I used my sketch as a guide to create this layout in Adobe InDesign. I used black boxes for repetition and contrast. I also emphasized one word in my title for more contrast, and to create a good focal point. I left white space and kept my body copy small. I was given the image, logo, and content for this flier.

I am trying to reach recent graduates, who want to have an edge by becoming strong leaders, to inform them how this leadership conference will help them.

Recent graduates who are 22-30 years of age.

Top thing learned:
I learned the importance of contrast

Title Font Name & Category:
Retro – Slab Serif

Copy Font Name & Category:
Caliber – Sans Serif

Links to all images you used in this project:
