Project 8: Brochure







Video Showcase: 

A two sided (duplex) folding brochure.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I set up the gateway fold in Adobe InDesign. I split my layout into four sections with the concept that the two outer sections would be the flaps of the brochure and the two middle sections would be the ‘body’ of the brochure.

I used black bars throughout the brochure to create repetition and flow. I deliberately chose animal photos that showed green foliage in the background to create contrast against the pink and a thematic element to unite all the photos.

For the image of the flamingo I used the ‘quick selection tool’ in Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the image. I then used the ‘refine mask’ dialogue box to smooth, feather, shift edge and apply contrast to the outline of the flamingo. The changes I made in the ‘refine mask’ dialogue box made a softer image that didn’t look so sharp and cutout against the brochure’s background. I then ‘placed’ the flamingo into InDesign where I used the ‘text wrap’ option to wrap my text around the ‘alpha channel’ of the image.

I created the logo in Illustrator using the pen tool and then I placed it into InDesign, where I used the scissors tool to cut the logo in half. I placed the left half on the right flap and the right half on the left flap so that when the brochure is folded the logo would come together nicely. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop

Message: Inform my audience about the Downtown Zoo. I am showing them through the brochure what is features are available through the zoo.

Audience: Families, large groups and animal lovers.

Top Thing Learned: I learned how to wrap text around an image in InDesign.

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic,  violet

Title Font Name & Category: Arial Rounded MT Bold / Sans serif

Copy Font Name & Category: Minion Pro / Old Style

Word count: 303

Thumbnails of Images used:

bengal-tiger-3_z2s Original rhino2_Big white-tiger-singapore-zoo-1 Flamingo5

Sources (Links to images on original websites):



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