Project 6: Stationery

Business Card (8.5×11 layout):
Business Card (Large layout):

Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the pathfinder tool to cut and combine these simple shapes. Once the logo was created, I opened a new two page InDesign document and placed my logo .AI file into this document.

I decided to make my first page a letterhead. I positioned the placed logo in the top right corner of my letterhead. I made sure to keep it at least .5″ away from the edges. I then typed my contact information into a text box and positioned it on the right hand side of the letterhead. I made my name 12pt font to contrast with the 8pt contact information. I added in a couple dashed lines to unify the information and to get some repetition. I also added a large black and white version of the brief case as a watermark. I kept the opacity to about 3%.

On my second page I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back outline of my business card. I then copied/pasted the logo and contact information onto this page. I kept the logo and contact information about the same size as the information on the letterhead. I made sure that no important information came any closer than 1/8″ from the edges. I also brought the dashed line into the business card to help unify the stationery pieces. Finally, I a enlarged the brief case and put half of it on the back of the business card. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator & InDesign

Message: The company evidence incorporated is a private detective firm. Lawyers, and others who carry evidence, hold their documents in brief cases. The brief case symbol gives the logo a professional and organized feel.

Audience:  Anyone in need of an evidence incorporated detective firm or interested in working for one.

Top things learned: How to brand a company using a unified letterhead and business card design.

Color scheme: Complementary and color names: Blue and Orange

Title Font Name & Category: PT Sans Caption – Sans Serif


Copy Font Name & Category: STIXGeneral – Oldstyle


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